Seo 2012.0

Seo, Song-Hee (서송희). 2012.0. 북극곰 돌로 동물원 안전유리 깨…'아찔' [Discomposure caused by polar bear breaking zoo's security glass]. Seoul: News1 Korea On-Line. (Surname follows revised romanization, forename follows a mixture, it is not common to romanize 희 as Heui, but Hee (since more easily readable for English speakers).)

  address   = {Seoul},
  author    = {Seo, Song-Hee (서송희)},
  note      = {Surname follows revised romanization, forename follows a mixture, it is not common to romanize 희 as Heui, but Hee (since more easily readable for English speakers).},
  publisher = {News1 Korea On-Line},
  title     = {북극곰 돌로 동물원 안전유리 깨…'아찔' [Discomposure caused by polar bear breaking zoo's security glass]},
  url       = {},
  year      = {2012.0}