Alternation ‘Adversative Passive’ (Coded)

A/nom P/acc V -> P/nom A/dat V.adv; A/nom X/obl V -> X/nom A/dat V.adv; Adversative passive (AdP) is marked with a verbal suffix -v-/-m-, from both transitives and intransitives. It implies that the derived subject in the passive construction is adversely affected. There are two main syntactic varieties of AdPs: direct passives where a derived subject corresponds to an argument (typically P, but also Goal), and indirect (or possessive) passives, where the subject corresponds to the possessor of either object P or subject (S). Only direct passives are taken into account in grammaticality judgments, since possessive AdPs can in principle be built on any verb. Furthermore only verbs naturally associated with an adversative situation are indicated as undergoing this alternation regularly, other verbs with neutral or positive semantics requiring special contexts are indicated as undergoing an alternation marginally.

Verb Meaning Verb form Basic coding frame Derived coding frame Occurs Comment # Ex.