Basic coding frame

Schema: 1 2+(e)un 3 subj[1].obj[3].V

# Coding set Argument type
1 subj.V A
2 NP+(e)un X
3 obj.V P

This in an indirective ditransitive construction. Rs are marked by the dative case postposition eun ‘to/toward (sb)’, which is employed for marking animate obliques such as Recipient, Addressee or animate Goal (ex. 41), and is distinguished from un ‘to/towards (sth)’, which is employed for marking inanimate Goal obliques (ex. 43). It should be noted that the frequency of the eun-marked indirective ditransitive construction in texts is rather low and that it is preferably used with those few verbs for which there are no corresponding Recipient/Addressee applicatives. In other words, if there is a Recipient/Addressee applicative in ko- (ex. 42), the eun-marked indirective construction, has a low chance of occurring in texts, and completely no chance of occurring if R is encoded by a pronominal argument (ex. 42). The above-mentioned frequency restriction does not apply to the cases where R participant is, strictly speaking, not a Recipient proper, i.e. un-marked indirective construction with inanimate Goal and wa-marked indirective construction with animate/inanimate Source: they are fairly frequent in texts regardless of the existence/non-existence of the corresponding applicative constructions.

Verb forms with this basic coding frame

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